Greyson was 2 months old on Feb. 9th...time is FLYING!
He had his 2 month appoinment & his first round of vaccinations. =(
He did pretty good considering...I was nervous I would have a break down so I made Matt go with me to the appointment. It was the hardest thing to sit through, but as I comforted Greyson, Matt had to hold his little legs down so the nurse could administer the shots. Thankfully it was all over very fast... Greyson screamed & cried for about 8 minutes SOLID & by the time we had him dressed & back into his carseat he was smiling!!
All I wanted to do was CRY but there he was...just beaming up at me!
I had given him some infant Tylenol so I'm sure that helped a lot...but I thought for SURE I would have to give him more in a few hours. He surprised me by being just as happy & content the rest of the night...thankfully never ran a fever & didn't seem to be unhappy or in pain while kicking his legs.
This month he weighed 13lbs 13 oz & was 24 inches long! He grew 4 pounds & 3 inches since his last appointment...WOW!
He also did very well on his first trip to the Dixie Nationals this week & slept most of the way. It was a 5 hour trip to week we leave for HobeSound, FL...adding 6+ hours to that so right now we are planning to break it up so he's not in his carseat the whole time. We can't wait to see our family & friends...He is changing so much everyday...
so far you...
*still only cry when you need something
*have added lots more to your "vocabulary"
*stayed with 3 new people this month, while mommy worked & loved every minute of it!
*have added another couple hours to your bedtime & can sleep up to 7hrs straight now
*are much more smiley & a very happy baby
*are a good traveler
*have started growing more hair on top of your head! =)
*found your tongue a few weeks ago & like making faces with it
*went to your first Dixie Nationals that included a rodeo & free style reining events
*DON'T like MOST loud noises...bathroom hand blowers & daddy coughing startle you the most
*sat up in your stroller without the carseat attached (GREAT neck muscles)
*started reaching & grabbing for things & can hold & play with your loveys
*have a favorite lovey..."Mr. Bear" that came from Jacinda (Uncle Jac's girlfriend) & play with it to put yourself to sleep
*got to try out your jumperoo gym this month & like it but dont' have the hang of "jumping" yet
*moved up to size 2 diapers...I realized this on our trip, since you have been wearing cloth at home
*have started sucking on your fist again...haven't done that since the hospital
*don't really like your pacifiers (which is good) & make a face when we stick it in your mouth...occasionally you take it when you are very sleepy but we have to hold it in until you fall asleep =)
What we are looking forward to:
*Our Florida trip next week to see our family & friends
*staying mostly with GeeGee while mommy is at work (now that she is back in town)
*Uncle Brandon's Graduation (hopefully) & possibly the first plane ride!