It's that time again...another month almost finished. Greyson will be 5 months old in just a few more days!! This past month, we have added LOTS of new milestones to his 4 month age. It is fun to watch him accomplish each thing, but even at 4 months I feel like he shouldn't be doing this much already! I thought 4-5 month olds were still little babies...well maybe some are, but Greyson sure isn't. He is one little chunk & I feel like I should have huge muscles by the time he learns to walk. =)
so far you...
*are in the teething stage which means...ouchy!! Your little teefees are trying to come in & you don't like it at all
*are a lot more fussy but only because of still are a pretty happy baby most of the time
*have definitely found your voice! You not only talk to us, but squeal VERY loudly & sometimes scream at the top of your lungs...just to be heard
*Giggle & laugh at anyone giving you attention
*found your feet awhile ago but are JUST now thinking about putting them in your mouth...its funny to see you grab them but I think they are just a little too chunky to reach all the way to your face
*love your nursery rhyme book & cd...we read & listen to it most nights before bed
*have learned to roll over! You don't do it all the time, but you can...
*can sit up all by yourself. We have to prop you like that, because you still aren't strong enough to get into a sitting position on your own yet
*are having more restless nights from teething...we are trying to get into a routine to help you go longer stretches. It has worked so far so hopefully we can get you back to sleeping through the night
*had your first revival with the Sankey's! You weren't used to being in church every night, but you did pretty good! There were only a couple times when you got too excited & loud that daddy, Gigi or mommy had to take you out. Janet Sankey "babysat" you while we had choir practice one both loved it!
*are able to "tolerate" tummy time a little longer these days. You do great at lifting your head & might be crawling soon =)
*reach for toys to play with during tummy used to just lay there doing pushups until you cried
*have grown tall enough to jump in your jumperoo without having a pillow jump SO hard sometimes I feel like you might launch yourself right out of it!
*still love Mr. Bear more than your other toys
*feed yourself when I give you a bottle! You love to get all comfy in bed or on the floor & eat...when your done, you throw the bottle off to the side & just grin at us =)
*are still exclusively on breast milk so at your dr. appt. you were 17lbs are now 27-28in & have probably gained a little more too! you give mommy & daddy a work out!
*wear mostly 6-9 month clothes but sometimes I can still make your 3-6 month clothes fit & we try to get as much wear out of them as possible
*have gotten way more opinionated on your likes & dislikes
*fight sleep during the day, but put yourself to bed at night
*give very slobbery kisses =)
What we are looking forward to:
*Mommys birthday tomorrow because you get to go out w us
*Uncle Brandon & Aunt Richelles wedding in July
*Meeting more family this summer