Tuesday, August 26, 2014

7 Months

This last month has been a blur....a happy, sad, frustrating, busy time but we are making it

so far you...

*weigh 18 lbs & are 27 inches long
*enjoy sitting up in a highchair, stroller, shopping buggy etc. anything off the floor that allows you to feel like you are face to face with other people...you don't like being left out of things & have to know everything that is going on
*still nurse sporadically every 3-6 hrs & completely on solids. No longer take bottles for any kind of feeding other than a bottle like sippy cup that you sip water from occasionally. You are eating lots of veggies & fruit. Bread is a favorite & started eating small pieces of pasta & other substantial foods this month. Usually you feed yourself by picking up tiny bits of food, but love sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce & other foods easily mashed from a spoon or fork. You eat pretty much whatever we are eating now except for meat. Favorite snacks are crackers, yogurt puffs & baby vanilla cookies!
*have 4 teeth & counting...2 top, 2 bottom & one on the way!
*usually sleep all night about 6-7 hrs before waking up to nurse then go back to sleep getting about 8-10 hrs a night & taking 2-3 naps a day give or take depending on what we are doing at the time...
*like your crib but have gotten used to sleeping in mommy & daddy's bed lately! You love cuddling  & would much rather be held or snuggling next to someone than by yourself
*are very interactive & play well with your toys & books. Greyson like having a little playmate to share the playroom with now
*still love your big brother & "talk" to him a lot! He makes you laugh & is learning to share things with you...he is learning but he can be a little bossy sometimes
*"talk" all the time...babbling & squealing over every little thing. Started waving bye bye this month!
*can roll over both ways, sit up on your own on the floor & in a big bathtub, you will pull yourself to sitting or standing when someone has your hands...starting to scoot around but not quite crawling yet
*are in size 3 disposable diapers & have been in medium size pre-folds with M/L covers...also in one size all in ones (bumgenius)
*wearing 6-12 mo size clothes depending on brand, 9+ month sleepers & size 2 shoes  
*spend time playing on the floor since you are semi-mobile & can fall off of beds...you still like your jumperoo, but the baby swing & bouncy seat have been moved out of the way (but still out so other visiting babies can use them) since you are outgrowing them
*are very good with new people & go to anyone but you are starting to notice when mommy isn't around & sometimes get fussy if I leave the room or you can't seem me anymore
*are still just as nosy as ever...have to know everything that is going on! You like sounds & like to watch things that move & light up. The one thing I can't seem to keep you away from is my phone...it doesn't even have to be on but it is by far your favorite thing to get your hands on
*are extremely smiley...doesn't take much to get a smile out of you & lots of people comment about how content & laid back you are in crowds...you are very pleasant the majority of the time but all babies have moments & you have yours!
*love riding & being outdoors with the family on the farm...you like little animals especially puppies
*know your name & what certain words mean..like No No, Bye Bye, & clap
*lost your first grandparent this month to cancer. Mimi was a very special person to you & she loved getting to be with you, spoiling you & shopping for girl things even if it was only for 7 short months 
*took your first trip to Florida & got to go to the beach for the first time! You love water & the waves were new & fun to play in

What we are looking forward to: 
*Meeting baby Everlee & spending time with family & friends in PA

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014


{Everlee Jean}

July 16, 2014
6lb 8oz 20.5in

I am so happy to introduce the newest little member of our family.
My youngest brother Brandon & his wife Richelle, welcomed their first child just a couple days after their second anniversary! She is so cute, tiny & I can't wait to get my hands on her. I think the "girls" have started taking over in our family! 3 little girl cousins, all 7 months apart. Nana says there are perks to Greyson being the only boy...haha but maybe he will get another little boy in the family soon. =) 

Congratulations to the happy parents of little Everlee!! She is absolutely beautiful & so precious. I know you will enjoy her so much!

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Friends, Friends & More Friends

The past several weeks, we have gotten to spend time with lots of friends. We love having company visit but at the same time, love getting together with friends especially on holidays. 

I think we are going to make this an annual thing, but we spent July 4th at the Shirah's house again. Courtney always does cute things & this year was NO exception. They had several young couples over, a couple toddlers & 3 babies =)

They decided on kabobs for dinner consisting of home grown veggies, deer meat, shrimp & chicken..umm YUM...along with baked potatoes, a big salad & a fruit salad that I brought. In keeping with the theme of kabobs...her dessert was ADORABLE!

Everything was SO good!!

And we had GREAT fellowship...

Neil & the girls =)

This Independence Day, my cousin posted these photos of my Grandpa on face book. He had red hair & his nickname was "Red"...I guess thats where I got it from =)
It was neat to see these pictures of him serving our country. He looked rather dashing I think!

I am told that he is the person behind this wing of a German plane. He shot it down with his quad 50. I remember hearing stories about him waving at the pilots as they flew overhead & they would wave back. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to be away from family & friends, fighting & never knowing if you would make it back home. MUCH respect for the men & women who served & are serving now.

Our family also attends our annual Bible Methodist Camp at this time. They have a patriotic service with special music & we "dress" for the occasion. Rilynn was wearing her red, white & blue, as was Greyson but I didn't get a good pic of him.

She's such a happy girl! Smiling all the time!

We had a WONDERFUL day & celebrated Rilynn's FIRST 4th EVER!

As soon as camp was over on Sunday (the 6th) my good friend Janice & her husband Bill drove in. I met Janice in high school & we have been friends ever since...11 or so years & counting! She was in my wedding 8 years ago & always said she wanted to come to AL for a visit. This year they finally made it! =)

We had fun & Janice even took Rilynn's 6 month photos...we went shopping, out to eat, & Greyson loved having a big playmate who loves toy trucks just as much as he does (& feeds him things like beef stick)haha!! They brought both kids adorable toys & then one day even suggested us going to the zoo!!! That was one of the highlights of their trip & it was Rilynn's first time to go.

I also got to test out my new double stroller! I LOVE it!! My old "used" one was great but Rilynn had grown out of her infant car seat & Greyson didn't want to give up his comfy "chair" for the bench seat...his little legs weren't quite long enough yet so we sold it to a friend that can use it better than us. This one has 12 different riding positions & will certainly "grow" with us...plus the bench seat on this one is much lower if & when Greyson ever wants to use it =) It was PERFECT for a day at the zoo!! (I promise this is not a review on the stroller haha)

Greyson loved seeing the animals but was a little upset when he couldn't ride the giraffe, zebra, elephant etc. That is until I spotted the camel...those you CAN ride! I guess it was worth the $10+ for both of us...you can't put a price on memories & he SURE loved it! No fear...just loves to ride anything & everything he can =)

We finished off with the splash pad at the zoo. It helped to cool him down, tire him out & take a long nap on the way home. We really enjoyed this time with our friends!

Thanks Janice & Bill!! We hope you come back for another visit soon!!!

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