Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's a...


Was anyone really surprised? We weren't...I had been guessing that all along & thought the REAL surprise would be if we had a girl instead. What a fun ultrasound! I loved that Matt & I could experience it together...he doesn't get off work for my appointments unless they are for sonograms or something more specific so it was nice to have him with me.
We went to the appointment, made sure everything was going well & I was measuring right on schedule, then found out the gender.
During the ultrasound, I kept calling the baby a "he" so the technician thought we must have already known what the baby was. When she asked if we needed to know & we said yes, she said, "Well, you were right!" There is no second's a boy for sure! Even though we could see the baby pretty well during the ultrasound, he was a very active little guy in there. Everytime she would try to get a certain picture or angle, he would move. She was not able to get some of the measurments, which means I get to have another ultrasound. Those are my favorite anyway, so when the time comes that will be ultrasound #4! Everything looked great & she said there was no cause to be concerned, but she just wanted to get some better pictures for us. I hope he cooperates better next time!

After the appointment, we did a little shopping & then met Matt's cousin Bethany & her 2 girls for dinner. It was a great day & we had a lot of fun. My feet did swell a little from all the walking in the heat, but nothing too terrible. I treated myself to icecream so that made me feel better =)

Here is some information about this pregnancy so far~
How Far Along: 21 weeks & 3 days
Size of baby: 10 inches long
Weight gain so far: 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing most things maternity & a few things non-maternity. All pants, skirts, shorts & capris are maternity!(with very few exceptions)
Gender: A BOY!!! We are working on names...2 picked out so far that I love, but Matt has the final say =)
Movement: Usually several times throughout the day & especially when there is music & when we are singing in a choir.
Sleep: Pretty good...thank goodness for my pregnancy pillow! I got one that has 2 pillows connected in the middle to support my back & belly. I kept having to adjust pillows in the night & would end up losing them, so this is working out great!
 Symptoms: I was never nauseous & only got sick a handfull of times so the symptoms I am dealing with now are...backache, swelling feet (that just started being noticeable some this week) & still dealing with fatigue. My worst FEELING symptom is comes & goes but sometimes can be pretty bad.
What I miss: Mountain Dew...I haven't let myself drink much caffeine & when I do it's sweet tea about once a week. I could get caffeine free Mt. Dew but it's $4 just for a few cans & I can live without it for a few more months I guess..
Cravings:Things I see on TV but have never tried! Sometimes it's weird flavors of icecream or random food from Sonic. I tend to buy more milkshakes these days.
Best Moment this week: The ultrasound & finding out we are having a boy!
What I am looking forward to: My parents being here so I can show them the ultrasound dvd & my mom getting to go w/ me to my next appointment. She will have to hang out with me during my glucose test, but I'm glad she will be there! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Almost there!

I'm almost halfway there! 19 weeks & counting...I will be 20 weeks & 5 days along when we find out if bean is really a bean or beanette =)

Right now there is a lot more kicking & moving around, but not to the point that we can feel him on the outside yet. Matt decided to talk to him today & kept asking little bean if he was REALLY a boy! HA I guess we will just have to wait & see but boy has been the biggest guess so far. I'm just excited to get our dvd of the whole ultrasound!
I think that is so neat to be able to look back on...
*hmm..maybe that would be a great 18th birthday surprise for our son or daughter hahaha*

Matt took this picture from the side because I guess I look bigger here than the first photo...
 it's all about the angle!
Here's a picture of Tink these days. We can't forget about our "first" baby who has been the center of attention for that last 5 years. Hopefully she doesn't give us the cold shoulder when we bring the baby she did when we brought barn kittens home last year...

We try to keep her entertained, but usually she won't let us get too close & the occational petting or cuddling doesn't last very long.
She does like to play w/ our feet & is very gentle & sweet for the first few minutes but then she attacks them.
You can keep trying to pet her like that but more than likely she will turn hostile.
I caught her in a serene moment while she was playing w/ my foot =)

I would also like to point out that I am grateful for wonderul friends who keep my toes looking cute since I can't bend over to paint them very well anymore =) My friend Skye painted them & Christian did a little design on the big toe...Thanks guys!

Anyways, we still love our Tinkerbell & she will hopefully be the best little bud a kid could have...although I have visions of something like this happening...

In other news, we had an interesting night last night. We had gone to bed early about 9:30pm & a little after midnight, Matt woke me up calling my name. I noticed he was laying on his stomach with his head in his hands. He told me to look up a remedy on my phone to help with flash burn & said something about potatoes or cucumbers!

Of course, I had NO idea what was going on or why this was all happening NOW in the middle of the night! But apparently that's how a flash burn can be fine most of the day & then several hours later, it kicks in.
He had been welding that day next to another guy who was also welding & the glare from that guys torch came through the side of his mask.
This was not the first time he had suffered from his eyes being flash burned, but never this bad. He couldn't open them & was in extreme pain from the burning. After a little research online, I found that the "home remedy" suggested, was in fact, potatoes...but the rest kept saying to go to the Emergency Room!

Matt said if the potato didn't work then I would have to take him to the ER. So around 12:30am I was peeling a potato...luckily I keep them in the refrigerator so they last longer & the slices were nice & cold.

 Once we put them on his eyes, the relief started almost immediately, but we had to wait the 30 minutes suggested before seeing if we needed to go to the ER. By 1am he was MUCH better & decided he would be fine. I asked him how he knew about the potato & he said,  "Old timers...thats just what they always said to do!"
He had just finished talking when I snapped this picture, so he doesn't look real enthused! ha but this is the day after the flash burn

Today he had no pain at all, but his eyes were a little red/tan colored in the whites of his eyes where they had been burnt.

So, keep that in mind...ever flash burn your eyes? Make sure you have some potatoes on hand!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Camp Meeting 2011

Another year of the Pell City Alabama Camp meeting is history.
This year, camp started on July 4, 2011. Flags lined the drive & front of the sign as we entered. They always have a great pre-service in celebration of the 4th & then recognize all the men & women that have served our country.
We had wonderful speakers & God really moved during the week.

It is always a wonderful time to catch up with friends, & also take time to move forward spiritually. Matt & I both recieved a great deal of help this week & Matt gave a testimony of how God had worked in his life & what this camp has always meant to him.
I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this year!
It really is a wonderful place, with lots of meaning that I hope our kids will grow up to love it just as much as we do.

You can see me in the purple & white on the steps & Matts family all praying around the front

In other news, it was fun to see so many friends there that are also expecting babies. We are bringing in the new generation of kids at camp! Bro. Parker mentioned from the platform the excitement of not only Matt & I's new little one but all the kids that will be growing up together & playing on the grounds just like he did when he was little. We got to share our news with several as well as compare notes & advice.
It was a wonderful time of fellowship, but we also had a good spiritual uplifting & I thank God for the way he has worked in our lives & is helping us so far. We are very blessed!

View of some of the crowd in the tabernacle

Last night, Matt's little brother Jac sang with his group "Forgiven" from Hobe Sound Bible College. They are SO GOOD & even have a cd that came out this past week. We love it! If you have a chance to buy one, we highly recommend getting this cd!
During the service, our little bean was just kicking away & I think he rather enjoyed the music! It was the first time little bean moved that much for a long period of time instead of just - here & there- moments. Also, when we were at home trying to take a nap he decided it would be fun to do more flipping & kicking since I was trying to get some rest! It was really neat & it makes me happy to know he is still growing & moving like he should.

Sorry I did not have many pictures from the week! I got a couple off of facebook that others took, but it was SO hot that I didn't take the time to snap any of Matt & I & usually just fell into bed at the end of the day. We were pressed for time mostly because of working till 5pm & then rushing over to the camp grounds each night. It was worth it, but I am ready to be able to come home after work & just relax for the next few days! =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July! 
I am PROUD to be an American & am so thankful for the country I am blessed to grow up in.
To the many men & women who have served our country, I want to say a huge thank you to the sacrifice that you have made & to the families who have gone through the sacrifice right along with you.

Since it is America's birthday, I can't help but think of the freedom we have & the priviledge to worship & serve God anytime we want. Other's are not so fortunate & we take for granted the blessings we have just to own a Bible & pray in public.

Even though, in the recent events of this country some of these privileges are being taken away, I plan to continue doing my part to stand against the changes we are seeing. Our schools & some public places have already done what they can to ban prayer & anything else relating to God & Christianity.
It is sad to see the direction this country is taking. We are no longer considered "one nation under God"...however, I plan to express my freedom & show the world that I do stand up for God & for  a Christian nation!

I hope that everyone will be challenged to pray for our nation as well as our leaders & president everyday. I regularly feel upset at what is taking place & the decisions that are being made for Americans, but I hope that by praying & seeking God's plan in all of this will help us stand for what is right. We are still blessed beyond anything we could imagine & I am thankful for every second I get to live in America!

Now...who's ready for some fireworks!!

I'm a CEO!