Was anyone really surprised? We weren't...I had been guessing that all along & thought the REAL surprise would be if we had a girl instead. What a fun ultrasound! I loved that Matt & I could experience it together...he doesn't get off work for my appointments unless they are for sonograms or something more specific so it was nice to have him with me.
We went to the appointment, made sure everything was going well & I was measuring right on schedule, then found out the gender.
During the ultrasound, I kept calling the baby a "he" so the technician thought we must have already known what the baby was. When she asked if we needed to know & we said yes, she said, "Well, you were right!" There is no second guessing...it's a boy for sure! Even though we could see the baby pretty well during the ultrasound, he was a very active little guy in there. Everytime she would try to get a certain picture or angle, he would move. She was not able to get some of the measurments, which means I get to have another ultrasound. Those are my favorite anyway, so when the time comes that will be ultrasound #4! Everything looked great & she said there was no cause to be concerned, but she just wanted to get some better pictures for us. I hope he cooperates better next time!
After the appointment, we did a little shopping & then met Matt's cousin Bethany & her 2 girls for dinner. It was a great day & we had a lot of fun. My feet did swell a little from all the walking in the heat, but nothing too terrible. I treated myself to icecream so that made me feel better =)
Here is some information about this pregnancy so far~
Size of baby: 10 inches long
Weight gain so far: 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing most things maternity & a few things non-maternity. All pants, skirts, shorts & capris are maternity!(with very few exceptions)
Gender: A BOY!!! We are working on names...2 picked out so far that I love, but Matt has the final say =)
Movement: Usually several times throughout the day & especially when there is music & when we are singing in a choir.
Sleep: Pretty good...thank goodness for my pregnancy pillow! I got one that has 2 pillows connected in the middle to support my back & belly. I kept having to adjust pillows in the night & would end up losing them, so this is working out great!
Symptoms: I was never nauseous & only got sick a handfull of times so the symptoms I am dealing with now are...backache, swelling feet (that just started being noticeable some this week) & still dealing with fatigue. My worst FEELING symptom is heartburn...it comes & goes but sometimes can be pretty bad.
What I miss: Mountain Dew...I haven't let myself drink much caffeine & when I do it's sweet tea about once a week. I could get caffeine free Mt. Dew but it's $4 just for a few cans & I can live without it for a few more months I guess..
Cravings:Things I see on TV but have never tried! Sometimes it's weird flavors of icecream or random food from Sonic. I tend to buy more milkshakes these days.
Best Moment this week: The ultrasound & finding out we are having a boy!
What I am looking forward to: My parents being here so I can show them the ultrasound dvd & my mom getting to go w/ me to my next appointment. She will have to hang out with me during my glucose test, but I'm glad she will be there!
Oh yah...baby boys are so much fun! Congrats (again) to you!! I'm glad everything is going ok for you.