December 7th, 1941
We've all heard the stories, & possibly even watched the movie & TV segments on Pearl Harbor.
A day in History that should never be forgotten.
I think about the men & women who encountered that day & what they must have faced. My grandparents remember that day, people in my own family who fought in those wars (not exactly at Pearl Harbor) but overseas & all around...they fought for a much different country than we are living in today.
I want to specifically draw attention to this day because of the impact it had on our nation & to celebrate the men & women who were there & are still living. They are true hero's!
~God Bless America~
A few months ago, when Matt & I were in Atlanta, a gentleman we were passing smiled at me & asked me when the baby was due!
December 7th
Right away his face got serious & he immediately pointed out the significance of the day & explained to us how important it would be for us to teach our son about his "expected" birthday. Just the way he talked made me realize just how passionate he was about making sure we knew the true value of what those men & women faced. I wish I could say that Greyson would be arriving today...or that he really could share his Birthday with such a historical day, but it really doesn't look like that will happen...
Even though it may still be a few more days until we get to meet our little guy, I STILL want to make sure that he knows about certain days in History, why we are privileged to live in America & that God has blessed us more than we could ever know! I want him to know that our grandparents & family members stood up for what they believed in, for a cause that they fought for & that whatever happens in the future, he can have the same drive & appreciation for all our men & women in service!
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