Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{Ashley's Baby Shower}
Hosted by Megan Crawford & Giny Dial

I had the privilege to host yet another "Shocco" baby shower at my house. In the past 15 months, we have had 9 pregnancies at the place where I work...myself included! Shocco is booming with babies & it seems like we have another baby shower every couple months. 

This time it was for my friend, Ashley Bobo. She & her husband, Brandon are expecting their first little one.  A baby girl 
{Karlie Addison} 
is scheduled to arrive sometime next month. 

My good friend Giny & I got together & made the plans for this shower. We also had a ton of help from our friends...Emily Powell who went shopping with me & helped me get set up the actual day of the shower (in between our babies crying, needing fed, put down for naps, injuries...yes you read right..she was a huge help even if she went home with bruises! it brought a new meaning to "blood, sweat & tears" but we made it!! haha)
Debbie Butler made the amazing & delicious cake, complete with matching colors for the shower & even these CUTE pacifier mints that everyone just loved! 
Darlo Hartdegen, Kathy Ryan, Lauren Cowart, Giny Dial, & myself also completed the menu & brought all the food. It was all delicious & we had plenty! 

It is always so fun when a new baby is on its way, but celebrating the new family with the showering of gifts during a baby shower is a special time where everyone can be involved. Since Ashley is due in May, I decided to use the phrase 
{April Showers bring May flowers} 
as our theme.

Here are SEVERAL pictures of the evening...we can't wait to meet little Karlie in just a few more weeks!

My living room

The favors & cute flowers from Debbie Butler

Baby banner I made

Theme: April Showers bring May flowers

Advice cards for the mommy to be

Food table

Tissue Pom-Poms

"Thanks for dropping by" rain cloud favors with Hershey drops & raspberry MnM's (pink & brown)

beautiful cake made by Debbie Butler

delicious food everyone brought!

Pink lemonade with floating strawberries

Some of the guests

Debbie & Greyson

Ashley & her mom 

Elizabeth holding Jace =)


Ashley & I

Ashley & her mom

Emily & her little boy, Jace

Darlo put Greyson to sleep

How cute is this!! =)

It was a fun shower to help host & decorate for...looking forward to Karlie's arrival!

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