{Skye's baby sprinkle}
Hosted by:
Megan Crawford & Emily Powell
Olive Garden
{Abra's bridal Shower}
Several weeks ago, Emily & I hosted our friends baby shower. She was expecting her 3rd child, a little girl to be named: Kylee Alexis
Since she already had most of her "bigger" items for the baby, we sprinkled her with essentials & of course, cute baby girl clothes! It was so much fun!
Here are some pictures from the evening:
Opening the gifts!
Shocco ladies & Greyson
Skye with the hosts, her mom & daughter, Janie & several of the guests
That night, we also celebrated the marriage of Abra (Mapp) Camp who had been married the week before. She is a blessing to Shocco & we are so happy that she has started working there.
A few weeks later, Skye gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She is adorable!!
The picture of Skye was the last one I took of her before Kylee was born. It was our last time to hang out & Skye, myself & Emily all got together for lunch. Emily & her mom made these adorable little shoes for Kylee & a matching headband!! We are so excited for Skye's family & their new addition =)
Now, I just HAVE to mention Shocco's baby boom while I'm at it. =))
If you want to get pregnant, have been trying or are eventually planning a family...move here & work at Shocco! I'm serious...whatever it is, God is supplying the babies there!
3 babies were born fairly close together the year of 2009. After that, our accountant announced her pregnancy w/ #2, due in November 2010, with a boy...we call her #1.
Then another pregnancy was announced for Feb. 2011 with a boy...#2.
Another for March, this time a girl...#3.
April, girl...#4.
My good friend Emily had her baby boy in May...#5.
Then there was a bit of a gap until Greyson was born in December putting me at #6. So far we had 2 boys, 2 girls, 2 boys & then wouldn't you know it...2 more ended up pregnant...with girls!
My friend Ashley with her baby girl born in May 2012, & then of course Skye & her baby girl born this month. 8 pregnancies all with in 15 months!!
I say 15 months because...ironically THE LIST IS STARTING OVER!!! Not only is it starting over...but in order too!! Talk about crazy...
Our accountant found out she was pregnant with #3 due in October...#2 is having her second in the same month she had her first due in Feb! Along with #3...due also in Feb. There is another girl added to this list due in March as well.
So far, my friend Emily has been saying that she WILL NOT be #5 again & that's final! I'm sure she will break that pattern & I am not ready for another quite yet myself.
I just find it so funny that we have had so many pregnancies in the last couple years & that more keep popping up every few months it seems. It is a BLESSING! & I'm thinking Shocco needs to invest in a daycare at some point =)
Now, Matt on the other hand is ready for #2 already....surprised? I was!! but so far I am hoping to wait until Greyson is a little older...& hopefully out of diapers! =))
So, there you have it...I think I might be done hosting baby showers...for a little while at least!!
Here's a pic of my sweet pea at 6 months! He will have lots of little friends running around soon...that's for sure! =)