Wow! I am SO behind in blogging this month. So much has been happening & Greyson hit 7 months when we were out of town, so I gotta remember everything before then!
He has definitely gotten more personality these days & has a little bit of attitude if he doesn't get his way...yay. But he is still my sweetie little man & he's growing so fast it's not even funny!
so far you...
*weigh 21 pounds!! Growing every day & go through clothes faster than I can buy them!
*teething & have had cold symptoms because of teeth yet
*are starting to move around on your tummy more...hoping you crawl soon so your clothes will last longer!
*are starting to have separation anxiety...just from mommy though.. A few times when we have been apart, you cry a lot & usually if I come home, you are fine afterwards
*still smile at pretty much everyone we run into...strangers love to talk to you & you like the attention
*started having a little more attitude when you are upset...started this high pitched "scream" & still blow bubbles when you are super mad
*will play with anything you can get your hands on. You notice so much & investigate everything
*went through another growth spurt & woke up eating every couple hours...we are back on track & you are sleeping all night again
*have started turning the pages in your books when I read to you like you understand what's next =)
*had your first "cold" due to teething but then it turned into were a sick little boy! but the Dr. said your nose, ears & lungs were all went to the Dr. twice in 2 weeks! The allergy medicine has helped a lot more & your breathing doesn't rattle anymore
*started taking regular naps! most of the time they are 1-2 hours long & sometimes they are just cat naps but you take them throughout the day & then sleep all night
*will not stay on your tummy very long...eventually you flip over & I keep putting you back so you get enough tummy time so you will learn to crawl
*sit very well & even go from sitting, to your tummy & back a lot of the time while playing
*have eaten lots of fruits & veggies...your favorite snack is yogurt
*you are still breastfeeding & we only take a bottle with us when we are going out somewhere for a long time. You drink juice sometimes & water from your sippy cup
*wear clothes anywhere from 6-18 month are 27 3/4 inches long
*took your first plane ride to PA with just mommy & you did awesome! you visited with a nice family before our flight & when it got delayed, you started getting tired. By the time we got on, you smiled at everyone from our seat. Before the plane took off, you were conked out & slept the whole way. Nana & Grampa met us at the airport in Pittsburg & you didn't even wake up. We got "home" at 2am!
*loved spending time with Nana & Grampa in PA...we were there almost 2 weeks. You met lots of mommy's family & spent 4th of July at Uncle Jerry's.
*swam in a big pool at Uncle Jerry's for the first time! Your cousin Jackson had an extra floaty for babies to swim with. You loved it!
*got to attend Uncle Brandon & Richelle's wedding! You weren't very happy because you didn't feel good during the reception, but Aunt Linda kept you during the ceremony & you slept the whole time
*like facial hair! Everyone that met you up north that had a mustache or beard, you played with it
*did great being passed around to all our family & many people wanted to meet you during our trip! You LOVE kids & other babies =)
*missed daddy a lot while we were were much more alert when we flew back home on the plane & you were SO happy when we got home. I think you missed your room & being out of the norm for that long, but we had fun!
What we are looking forward to:
*Nana & Grampa's visit this summer
*Going to Gatlinburg w/ all daddy's family
*Thanksgiving in PA
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