Friday, December 7, 2012


We got to spend Thanksgiving up north with my family. It was bitter sweet because traditionally my Mama would have Thanksgiving at her house & the night before we would celebrate Christmas with her. Since she was in the hospital 8 weeks, we were just hoping she would still be with us for this Holiday! Thankfully she was & has recently moved into a nursing home. Things were a little out of the ordinary but we still had a wonderful time.
To make the best of the situation, my cousin & his wife hosted our "Christmas Eve" dinner at their house (minus the presents) with the traditional favorites like ham & cheese stromboli's, polish mistakes & chicken wings!
 My aunt hosted the main Thanksgiving meal at her house the next day & the traditional food would not have been the same without home made Noo Noo's!
(Noo Noo's are noodles in case anyone was wondering)
 Mama always made them & we wanted Greyson to try his first noo noo's at cousin Ryan stayed up most of the night perfecting her recipe & it was worth it! They were. so. good. Triple plus since Greyson loved them too =)
Nana & Greyson with his shirt that says... Who are you calling a turkey! =)
My uncle was able to pick Mama up from the nursing home so she could spend the day with us. When she tasted the noo noo's, she said...Well you didn't even need me! Ha WE needed her alright! She is the most precious grandma ever & gives SO much it's unbelievable. We were able to have our Christmas with her (even though my mom & aunt & uncle had to finish her Christmas shopping for her).
 When we gave her our gifts, she kept saying over & over how much we were giving her & that she didn't deserve so much. YES she does...she is always thinking of others, never feeling worthy. It was a fun Thanksgiving/ Christmas day. I'm praising God that we were able to spend another Holiday with her...she was so weak for so long we didn't know if she would make it. God has plans for her life...& at 86 she is still here for a reason. =)
The rest of the day was spent doing the usual...playing with gifts, watching football & most importantly EATING! We are so very Thankful for the many blessings this year has given us. God has been so good & continues to be faithful for any need we may have.

I'll leave you with this photo of all the great grand kids that Mama has (so far...there are 2 more on the way due next year!=) Greyson was #9 & seems to be hamming it up here..=) as you can see, we need a few more girls to round out this group!

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with loved ones...near & far. Don't be Thankful for the things you have once a year, be Thankful for your blessings...all year long.

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