I can't believe Greyson is already 15 months. I feel like his Dr. appointments keep getting closer & closer together! His 18 month check up will be here before we know it. Sadly, our pediatrician retired & we had to switch to a new doctor. I hope we like her just as much & that the transition is easy. Greyson has changed so much in the last few months. He is turning into a toddler more everyday & while I love this age...I miss my tiny little baby. I feel like I say that at every update!
so far you...
*weigh 24.9 lbs & are 31.5 inches long
*still wear 18-24 month clothes & size 4-5 shoes
*took your first steps at 11 months & took off walking & standing on your own at 14 months..you are going non-stop now. I can tell you have slimmed down so you have been in the same size clothes for 6 months & counting =)
*wear size 4 disposable diapers but your all in one cloth diapers still adjust to fit
*have 6 teeth, 4 on the top & 2 on the bottom & 3 molars that just came in this week!
*say dozens of words, learn new ones every day & you repeat after us constantly
*sleep all night starting at around 8:45pm-9:30pm & go until 7:30am or 9am so we can count on at least 8-12 hours a night
*take 1-2 naps a day...most of the time you go down around 11:30am & 3:30pm but if your schedule is a little off you take a nap whenever you can. You usually fall asleep on your own & it is nice to just lay you in your crib with Mr. Beary, turn on your music cd & close the door. You usually sleep for 1-3 hrs before you get up
*still have not had any major sicknesses other than one ear infection & even then you didn't act sick. You never slowed down playing & acted fine even taking the antibiotic. You have had all your shots & thankfully no reactions to any. You have had a few "cold" symptoms where you are stuffy, have a runny nose & seem just plain miserable but every time I take you to the Dr. thinking you are really sick, they tell me you are just teething & that you are completely clear....so over all we are really glad you have gone 15 months without the flu or any other really bad virus!
*eat pretty much everything we give to you, but spit out things you decide you don't like. You were just introduced to turnip greens which you actually fed yourself! Favorites snacks are: fruit, yogurt, & crackers...if you see anything "sweet" we have to watch you or you will break into the box or bag of whatever we have =)
*started using a fork at 14 months to feed yourself...usually you feed yourself pan cakes, bananas & anything cut up that you can stab
*learned to climb down stairs going backwards...we've had a few falls but nothing serious
*climb on everything..its your favorite thing to do. Climbing stairs is #1 which means we have to really keep an eye on you
*love "peekaboo" books with the flaps. They are your favorite kind of book..you can sit & play by yourself for hours giving me time to work & get things done around the house
*started "answering the phone" using anything you could hold up to your ear. First it was the remote, then a piece of mail, or a random toy. You hold an object up to your ear & say...Hello? Hey! & babble on then start over with Hello? Hey! It is so funny. I got your play cell phone & pull toy phone out so you could use those, but it really doesn't matter what you have in your hand as long as you can "answer" it =)
*play pretty well with others & have learned to share...although you have your moments! We love our play date group & have so much fun interacting with new friends
*bath time is still a fun past time but you have decided you don't like cold water touching you or getting water poured over your face..
*Mr. Bear (1 & 2) & Mr. Monkey are your favorite bed time buddies. If we forget to take one with us when we are out, you are NOT very happy! Sometimes you are tired enough to fall asleep without one, but it sure helps
*have learned the meaning of no & if we have gotten you in trouble for something, you usually remember. For example, you know outlets are off limits so when you get close to it & notice us watching you, you look at us, point to the outlet & say, No no no no no. You like to tell other babies or Tinky, No when they are doing something you don't think they should be
*you got your first "tiny" hair cut this month...it wasn't a REAL one but you were starting a pony tail in the back so mommy trimmed a few curls off to keep =) maybe by the time you are 2 you will have had an actual big boy haircut!
What we are looking forward to:
*Nana & Papa's visit in April (for Papa to go turkey hunting)
*Friends coming to visit this summer
*Our trip to Idaho to meet Baby R
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