so far you...
*weigh 19.5 lbs & are 28 inches are getting so big too fast!
*nurse about 4-5 times a day. Drink water from a sippy cup occasionally when eating solids. You like lots of veggies but not a huge fan of fruit. Bread is still a favorite & you feed yourself by picking up tiny bits of food that I give you during our family meal times. Favorite snacks are crackers, yogurt puffs & baby vanilla cookies!
*have 6 teeth & counting...4 on top, 2 on the bottom & more on the way! Teething has been super easy this time around... no drooling or extreme fussiness. All I know is when you want to chew on everything, it usually means you are teething & I don't realize it until I FEEL the new teeth already in! I can't believe how many teeth you have compared to Greyson at this age...he didn't cut his FIRST tooth until 9 months & you have a mouth full!
*have taken a step back in your sleeping habits. NOW you wake up 2-3 times in the night wanting fed or just cuddled to sleep. Once you are asleep you do fine, but fight it quite a bit. Right now, you love falling asleep on daddy...if you are extra sleepy, he can have you to bed in no time. We are half co-sleeping & half crib sleeping at night these days! I think it has to do with us being in the same room & you can see us, but that won't change for awhile...
*are very interactive & play well with your toys & books. You like being read to & Greyson likes having a little playmate to share the playroom with now. You both usually play together in the mornings after breakfast! It makes for some great mommy time to get things done around the house...
*"talk" all the time...babbling & squealing over every little thing. You are very outspoken if you are tired or upset...
*Started waving bye bye & can say "bye bye" when you wave too. You have added Patty Cake to you favorite things to do & whenever someone starts saying it, you start clapping. You recognized the sound of your name pretty early on but now you respond to it when we call for you or want to get your attention
*Started waving bye bye & can say "bye bye" when you wave too. You have added Patty Cake to you favorite things to do & whenever someone starts saying it, you start clapping. You recognized the sound of your name pretty early on but now you respond to it when we call for you or want to get your attention
*are very mobile...starting crawling instead of scooting, pull up on everything & roll or scoot around too
*are in size 3 disposable diapers & have been in medium size pre-folds with M/L covers...also in one size all in ones (bumgenius)... you aren't using as many diapers these days either so we have saved a LOT of money with our cloth diapers.
*wearing 9-12 mo size clothes depending on brand, 9+ month sleepers & size 2 shoes
*are very good with people but are a little reluctant to go to new people all of a reach for mommy when you are ready to go back
*still like to know everything that is going on & hate to be left out of things! Especially when mommy leaves the room or you are left do not like it!
*are extremely pleasant & smile a lot, but you are starting to show some independence! You get a little upset if something doesn't go your way or if Greyson takes a toy from you etc. You don't understand why mommy takes everything out of your mouth & why you can't chew on shoes =(
*love riding & being outdoors with the family on the love animals & anytime we are riding, you usually fall asleep
*sleep very well in the car & normally NEVER make it to a destination without taking a little nap first, same thing goes for the stroller, & even the shopping buggy! I have good night is a different story...but anytime, anywhere during the day this can happen..
*got to spend time with family in PA! It was your first time to meet your cousins & we had a lot of fun
*had your first trip to an urgent care because of a random rash you got when we were outside. We thought it was just a heat rash, but it stuck around for a couple days & the Dr. thought it was something viral. You got over it in a few days, but you didn't like feeling itchy & it bothered you a lot =(
*had your first trip to an urgent care because of a random rash you got when we were outside. We thought it was just a heat rash, but it stuck around for a couple days & the Dr. thought it was something viral. You got over it in a few days, but you didn't like feeling itchy & it bothered you a lot =(
What we are looking forward to:
*Seeing Mimi again someday
*Seeing Nana & Papa soon & spending the Holidays with family
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