Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Moment Like This

I remember when I chose the name of this blog, it was at a time when my husband & I had just found out we were going to be parents. Over the next few years, every moment of our lives, good or bad, has been reflected right here. No, not every SINGLE moment, but the big things...the ones I feel worth mentioning & wanting to remember. 
The vacations, plans & fun times. Projects, DIY & decorating. Holidays, surprises & most of all FAMILY.

*All 4 Grandchildren in the same house! L-R (Everlee, Karliegh, Nana, Rilynn & Greyson)*

I have enjoyed going back over the entries I've made & seeing what we learned along the way. 
We had quite the summer! It was jam packed... I got a little too busy to blog, and at the very end, as August made its appearance, I also got more news that would change everything. 

*Sister in law - Richelle & sweet niece Everlee*

*Sister in law - Mindy, Cousin Julie supporting the cause =)*

MY mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.

From the beginning of my blog, I was already experiencing what cancer could look like. We were in the beginning stages of going through it with my mother in law & while her's was a much more aggressive kind, it was something I was still not prepared to handle. Over her long battle I experienced things I never thought I would at my age, never had the kind of responsibility I would have either, & I never imagined that it would test my faith & my abilities as much as it did. 

*Papa & Greyson caught a fish!*

*My older brother Matt & his little girl Karleigh*

To make it to the 1 year anniversary of my mother in law's death, I was NOT prepared to be told that it was now a part of my mother's life. 

BUT something miraculous happened. Yes, I was upset, emotional....all that comes with being told this kind of news...but the biggest thing I noticed was the amount of PEACE & comfort I felt moments later. Why do we have road blocks in our lives? I don't always know the answer, but I do know that knowing GOD & the PEACE that only He gives makes all the difference! 

Do you know how many people my parents have influenced over the years? Do you know how many people are praying for her right now? I could probably say without doubt that there are 100's of people & churches all across the country praying for my mom & this moment in her life. How does that happen? From KNOWING Christ...and MAKING HIM KNOWN! It makes all the difference when God's people come together. They may not even know her or me personally but the prayers that go to the Lord on our behalf is unfathomable to me. 

*sweet cousins*

What would I do over these last few years without knowing who holds the future! 

My family is strong. My mom is strong. She is able to face this with God on her side. We don't ever know the outcome, but whatever it is she will be on the winning side! 

*Nana loving being with her Grands!*

In September, we were able to spend some time all being together. Over the years, marriage & jobs have taken my siblings & I all across the country. We have managed to try & see each other at least 1 time a year....that is NOT often but if its a priority, then we make it happen. 

*Mom in her new wig!*

I was able to watch my mom, who is usually the one in charge, sit back & let us help her. We may have taken over her house, the food, the cleaning & laundry...but we were together & she was doing better than I could have imagined. We got to go shopping, eat out, & have little outings with the kids. One of the highlights for me was picking out her new wig! You have got to try & have some fun in the middle of these things. What could be more fun than seeing my mom get a "makeover" with one of the most drastic things ever! She may have changed her hair a few times over the last 30 years, but she has never worn it down, had it cut super short OR colored! It was definitely something NEW & quite fun to try on ALL styles & colors of wigs. 

*fun at the corn maze* 

We had a great time! It it always worth the much as we travel, what's another 13 hours here & there. 

*enjoying quality time together at the corn maze*

I know what my mom is facing can't be easy. She has her good days & bad. I don't doubt that we all wish this never would have happened...but it sure is teaching me a lot. 
Its teaching me to be a better mom, a better wife, a better Christian & to learn that it's worth it to live in the moment, kind of like....

My beautiful mother! You got this! =)

*My cousin Ryan got all of us these bracelets*

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  1. Beautiful post Megan. Sitting here with tears running down my face...sobbing. I love her so much...wish I could wave a magic wand...

  2. Thanks for sharing this! I enjoyed our little visit at the park. My heart is with you!

  3. Big hugs, Megan. Your mom means so much to many of us and I just know that God has so much good to come from this. Love to you all!


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