Friday, November 2, 2012

Trunk or Treat 2012

{Trunk or Treat}
Greyson was a Puppy Dog
We tried to teach Greyson the words Woof, Bow wow, Ruff or just make a barking noise in general. He did it every once in awhile, but NOT while we were trick or treating...haha
We had a great turn out for the Trunk or Treat at our church. We probably saw well over 200 kids & passed out lots of Kings Kids invitations, cute gospel messages & LOTS of candy! Every one that participated ran out of we were done around 7:30pm. 
Greyson did awesome! He was the most adorable little puppy ever! We had so much fun dressing him up. Matt & I usually dress up, but this year, we just decided to let Greyson get all the attension =)

Matt brought some card board home from the shop & we made this dog house to go on the back of our car. We fashioned it so it would allow Greyson to sit "in" his dog house & complete the costume.
He did SO great just sitting there & watching all the kids come by. I was afraid of how he might react to some of the scary costumes so I would stand in front of him if there was one I didn't think he should see. However, he would lean forward out of the door & scowl at the person dressed up in something scary. I'm not sure what he thought of them, but at least he didn't get scared.
We had so much fun planning our trunk around Greyson's costume. Mimi & G'pa got the puppy dog costume for him for Christmas when he was just 2 weeks old! We have been looking forward to him wearing it for a long time. It is made so cute & had just the right amount of padding to be comfortable & he seemed to enjoy wearing it.
My handsome husband holding a very tuckered out little trick or treater!
After the Trunk or Treat we went over to G'mama & G'daddy's to show them his outfit & they had a few treats all ready for him!
G-daddy gave him a bucket filled with all things baby friendly =) We obviously didn't take him around to get candy since he wouldn't be eating it anyway, but everyone we saw was prepared with baby friendly snacks & he made out pretty good! He got Teddy Grahams from our pastor's family, yogurt melts from Aunt Maudine & Uncle Jimmy, lots of goodies & toys from G-mama & G-daddy & a cute little bucket that used to be Matt's, more yogurt, toys & goodies from G'pa & Mimi.

Overall, we had a great night & a fun first Halloween for Greyson.
I'm already thinking about what he will be next year & maybe we can plan to tie in costumes for Matt & I as well.
Next week we are headed to Gatlinburg with our Crawford family! We have been looking forward to it for a long time...I love all these "firsts" we get to experince with Greyson & can't wait to be on vacation =)


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