Thursday, February 6, 2014

1 Month!

Rilynn is already almost 2 months old!! I'm a little behind on her 1 month update...I'm starting to sound like a broken record...time is going by WAY too FAST!! =( 

so far you...

*were 8lbs 12oz 21 inches long at birth & lost a whole pound before leaving the hospital. You were back up to 9.6 lbs at your 2 week appointment but didn't grow any longer! 
*started nursing a couple minutes after you were born! You have done latch issues like your brother had...=) You nurse anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes tops! In a bottle, you take about 3 ounces of BM every couple hours
*sleep a LOT...your brother wants to play with you but you are usually too tired to see what toys he is trying to share with you =)
*make a scowl face (which we call your classic expression) like you are trying to figure something out! Usually when someone is in your face talking to you or when mommy sticks the phone in your face to take a picture! Im sure you are wondering what that thing is!
*can hold your head up & have great neck control! Tummy time is no problem...Greyson did NOT like tummy time but you seem happier on your tummy than your back. You even rolled over for the first time at 4 weeks old but that was a one time thing...I think you were going after your paci =)
*like to be held by everyone & are a very content, laid back baby. Your favorite past times are hanging out in your swing, bouncy seat or bassinet to nap or take in all the sights & sounds
*wore only newborn clothes at the beginning, now fitting into some newborn but mostly 0-3 & 3 month sizes! Nana & aunt Richelle bought you some beautiful Sunday dresses...we like getting all dressed up with bows, cute socks, shoes & outfits!
*wear newborn size CLOTH diapers...this is mommy's first experience with prefolds & covers. I have found out that you are a heavy wetter & I usually have to double up! We use Imagine Baby Products prefolds/all in ones & bamboo fitted diapers at night. You wear size 1 DISPOSABLE diapers when we go out...that is what they had you in at the hospital! We had one pack of newborns at home but you quickly grew out of them & we went back to size 1's
*hardly cry, but when you do, you have a very distinctive one! The nurses at the hospital said they could tell who was crying over the other 9 babies in the nursery with you! =) You do not like loud noises & if you get startled your little mouth makes quite the pouty face & you start in. We have had a couple nights where you were very uncomfortable & mommy has had to use Colic Calm to help you with your tummy issues
*used to nurse every 2 hours all through the 3 weeks you started sleeping longer at night going from 9 or 10pm to 3am, nursing, getting a diaper change, then staying awake until 4am & then sleeping usually until 7:30am before your next feeding. Thankfully you are still sleeping all the time so I can usually count on you napping at the same time as Greyson in the afternoons...sometimes mommy joins you unless I have cleaning or laundry to do =)
*experienced your first snow day in Alabama on January 28th!

What we are looking forward to:
*Your first road trip to the Dixie Nationals 
*Nana & Papa coming to visit in March so Papa can go hunting =)
*Our trip to PA -but not the missing daddy part =(

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