Thursday, July 25, 2013

We're Moving!

It's official....we are moving to a new house!

Talk about a whirl-wind month. We have had so many things happen I feel like everyday something new pops up. God sure has been surprising us this year!! First a baby, then a house...& all kinds of family news & issues in between. When it's all said & done, the timing couldn't be better...
Our Father always knows best =)

I love this house. It was our first & what we thought was our forever house! It was an older house in the cutest little circle know the ones where all the houses look similar. We made it our own & made so many memories here! Gmama painted a picture of this house for Greyson's first Christmas. He will always have that painting to remind him of where he was born & where he spent his first couple years. 

We are excited about what the future holds for our new location. We won't be far from where we are now which means we keep our jobs, our church, friends & doctors (yay!) 

Our new house

It is a house we can definitely grow into a lot easier & our new baby will probably always grow up here. We think this one is definitely IT...until we're old maybe =)

We have lots of space, a lake & other little perks that made us actually WANT to leave our first home & all the conveniences of being close to town...THAT will take some getting used to. I guess I'll just have to plan our timing better or we might be late for everything!

More importantly we are much much much closer to family. I know we will have to make some adjustments living father away from everything, but the memories we will have & make here will be worth it. I'd especially like continued prayer for my mother in law as she continues her battle with cancer. Being close to her will be an added bonus for her & the grandkids during this time & because of this, we know this is right where we are supposed to be. 

For now, we are spending the next month & a half getting things packed & moved. Our official move OUT date will be around September 9th...thankfully I'm not 8 months pregnant trying to do this. Like I said...the timing was perfect! Just pray we get everything done in time, that I can figure out moving WHILE showing our current house to potential buyers & that it will all go smoothly.

In other exciting news...I just had to share that my brother & sister in law closed on their very FIRST house just hours after us. After living in an apartment for a year, we have been so excited about the house they got (on a golf course) & it is beautiful! Unfortunately it is in Ohio (hehe)...BUT hopefully I will get to see it in a couple months.

I just LOVE this picture of them...the excitement of their very first home together!! Oh the memories they will make here =) I imagine they will move in as SOON as possible!

Needless to say it has been a very exciting past few days. Not without its ups & downs, but over all...
We are very blessed!
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  1. Congratulations - Your new home is beautiful! I can't wait to see pics of how you fix it up for your little family.

  2. Beautiful home, Megan! So glad you all will be closer to family!!

  3. Megan, we are so happy for you and Matt and your little ones. God is so good.
    Love you all.
    Darrell & Helen


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